Chief Complaints - Who Comes To See Us?

People ask me all of the time what exactly is that I treat in my office.  When I respond that we are a chiropractic sports medicine office and that we see everything, I still get a confused look staring back at me.  So in our first year, I decided to do a breakdown of the types of complaints that present to the office.  I broke the data down into the main areas of the body and found the following percentages:

  • Low Back - 29%
  • Mid Back - 21%
  • Neck - 16%
  • Shoulder - 10%
  • Hip - 9%
  • Headaches - 4%
  • Knee - 4%
  • Foot/Ankle - 3%
  • Elbow - 2%
  • Wrist/Hand - 1%

Complaint Makeup

Percentage of the types of complaints we see in the office

No surprise the biggest complaint that I see in my office is lower back pain, followed by other spinal complaints.  Shoulder and hip complaints were often addressed, with other extremity conditions coming in as well.

The next question I had is WHO is coming to see me? I ran an analysis of some demographics as well as the sports/activities our patients participate in and found that 

  • 96% participated in some activity or sport
  • Over 50% did some kind of weight/resistance training, whether that was Crossfit, F3, or at a local gym/home gym
  • 24% were avid runners
  • 74% were aged between 21 and 50 years old

ACTIVE people - who want to STAY ACTIVE - come to our office!

I rarely suggest taking you away from your sport.  I want to keep you going! 



-Dr Evan Kahn, DC, DACBSP

Evan Kahn